What Should You Not Do After PDO Thread Facelift Treatments?
As we age, the skin begins to lose its youthfulness. Signs of dullness, fine lines, sagging and hanging skin appears. These are the indicators that you need a facial treatment to lift the skin back and to rejuvenate it. It tells how badly your skin tissues are broken and damaged. These damages cannot be fixed with a mere facial treatment but with the professional thread lift treatment. The PDO treatment is preferred for the face and neck areas most commonly. But apart from this, it is also effective for loose skin around thighs, buttocks, and knees.
PDO Threat Lifting
The Thread lifting treatment involves the subcutaneous placement of a PDO thread into the skin to lift the affected skin. The threads gently pull the loosely hanging skin bringing it back to its former position. It can also give you a desired lift. It is used around the eyebrows, chin area, cheekbones, and neck areas to give a slimmer and sleeker look. The important areas for the PDO treatment include the jawline, midface and the neck near the collarbones. With the help of a PDO Thread Facelift Treatment in Dubai, the specialists reposition the skin tissues and restore the youthfulness. The needle is injected into the skin with the thread and in a bi-directional manner, the skin gets lifted slowly. Usually the plastic surgeon uses a crosshatch or a basket weave method to use the thread for lifting. However, as horrible as it sounds, the treatment is not that painful. It’s not discomfiting at all. You will only feel like a small sting of pain just when the pointy needle will touch your skin, which usually happens when you inject a drug as well. Apart from this, you will not even realize how quickly your surgeon will inject the threads at the right positions. The treatment may take more than one sitting depending on how your face or your skin responds.
Before & After Treatment Care
The most important thing to do when you plan for the PDO treatment is to get your face examined by the doctor or the specialists. Not every skin is able to get the treatment so it’s best to get professional advice first. Secondly, once you have booked an appointment do make sure to avoid consuming alcohol as it dehydrates the skin faster. And the last thing is to avoid taking aspirin based drugs as these drugs cause unnecessary bleeding, side effects and complications during and after the treatment. So, be sure to observe these practices and start doing it at least seven days before the sitting. Furthermore, as per the aftercare treatment patients begin to feel different side effects. Some experience nausea due to the use of aesthetics. The simplest solution is to drink water to escape that feeling. For the next 5 days, you should drink ample water even if you are not feeling nausea because with the PDO treatment skin usually gets swollen. With water, it can soothe down quickly. Many specialist also suggests to limit the facial movement for at least 24 hours. It would be best if you consume liquid or soft food and talk as little as you can to give some time to your tissues to relax. Avoid heavy exertion on your face for the next 2 to 3 weeks and stay away from chewing gums as well. The most important thing is to avoid taking facial massages for at least 3 weeks. These are the most important aftercare which every specialist would guide you and ask to follow. Apart from this, you may get yourself prescribed with some good lotions and products to keep your skin clear and soft.
Pros of Having A PDO Thread Treatment
The result you get after having the treatment is enough to make you feel satisfied with your decision to go for the PDO treatment. Within a few minutes, you will get a refreshing skin that you once thought was gone forever. It’s more like an age miracle. Apart from this, the PDO treatment is minimally invasive and offers the quickest time of recovery as well. Its shortest procedure makes it more comfortable. The outcomes are far-reaching and it has zero to none side effects that could last longer. You will only feel a bit of discomfort for a couple of days and then your skin will be adjusted perfectly.
Common Concerns
Many people ask whether the treatment would last longer than a month or not and the right answer to that is its duration is a lot more than just a few months. It can give you a lifting effect for more than six months if only you take care of your skin and avoid exerting too much pressure on it. Secondly, the next most common concern is whether the treatment can be reversed or not. Well, if after getting the treatment you do not like your look and feel unsure about it, you can cut off the threads and get them taken out of your skin. However, that too depends upon the texture of the tread in m=some cases it might not be possible.