The Better Diet To Keep Kidney Stones Away
Kidney stones are one of the most common urinary issue seen in people. Kidney stones or renal stones are hard, solidified waste that builds up in the kidneys as crystals. While smaller stones pass away with the urine, bigger ones can hurt you while passing or in worst cases, block a part of your urinary system causing extreme pain. In extreme situations, this can also cause vomiting and bleeding. Urologists in Dubai find that men are more susceptible to kidney stones that women and if an individual gets a kidney stone once, chances are that you are 50% more likely to form another stone in 5 to 10 years. In this blog, we are discussing some of the commonly practised home remedies to reduce the formation of kidney stone –
Keeping hydrated
One of the easiest ways to keep kidney stones at bay is by drinking plenty of fluids. Fluids, especially water increases the volume and dilute the wastes before they solidify to form the stones.
However, not all fluids fight kidney stone. For instance, beverages like tea, coffee, beer, wine and orange juice can help in diluting the substances before crystallization, just like water does. On the other hand, soda can contribute to the formation of kidney stone. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks which contain fructose is also a known contributor of calcium, oxalate and uric acid, which can cause stone formation.
Take more citric acid
Citric acid is one of the commonly found organic acids in many fruits and vegetables., especially in lemons and limes. Urologists in Dubai recommend the consumption of citric acid to prevent calcium oxalate kidney stones. This is because citric acid can bind calcium with the urine and thereby reduce the risk of stone formation. It can also bind with existing calcium oxalate crystals and prevent them from getting bigger. Citric acid can ease the passing of the stones with the urine by diluting it to smaller sizes. To get citric acid in your body, consume citrus fruits like grapefruits, oranges, lemons or limes.
Keep away from oxalate-rich foods
Oxalate is an anti-nutrient in some of the vegetables that people consume regularly like green leafy vegetables, fruits and cocoa. Oxalate is also produced by our own bodies in smaller amounts. Because of this reason, consuming higher amounts of oxalate can increase oxalate excretion in urine, which can be very problematic for people at higher risk of urinary stone formation. Unlike citrus, oxalate can bind calcium and other minerals together to form crystals which can lead to stone formation in individuals.
As oxalate-rich food are highly beneficial to help people stay healthy, a low-oxalate diet is rarely recommended to people suffering from stones. They are however asked to follow other remedies to counter the effects of oxalate.
Consume enough calcium
There is a common misconception that intaking calcium will increase the risk of calcium-containing stones. However, truth is that dietary calcium binds the oxalate in the food we eat, which prevents it from being absorbed. The leaves the kidneys from having to pass it through the urinary system. Dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt are really good sources of dietary calcium.
Reduce salt intake
Taking high levels of salt, of which sodium is a component, causes calcium excretion through urine. Urologists in Dubai find this to be one of the primary reasons that increase the chances of stone formation. One of the easiest ways to reduce the intake of salt is by reducing the consumption of packed and processed foods.
Consume more magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral which is involved in many of the metabolic reactions within your body including energy production and muscle moments. Urologists in Dubai also believe it be capable of preventing calcium oxalate kidneys stones.
Eat less of animal protein
Consuming a lot of animal proteins may increase the level of calcium excretion and decrease levels of citrates in the body. This can increase the risk of kidney stone formation. When it comes to fighting kidney stones, urologists in Dubai suggests people who are at higher risk of stone formation to drink plenty of water, consume citrus and magnesium and keep away from consuming fewer animal proteins and sodium. In short, good dietary habits can keep kidneys tones away for long.