STD Guide – The Common Symptoms And Diagnoses
What Are STDs?
STD are the sexually transmitted diseases that affect the body with contagious and incurable germs. The disease is transmitted- not exclusively, but during the sexual intercourse. However, there are many other reasons for the transmission as well. STDs are transmitted through blood or the bodily fluid. Oral sex, unprotected sexual intercourse and blood transmission are the common means of spreading sexually transmitted diseases.
Common STD Infections
Over 25 sexually transmitted infections are there according to the World Health organization out of which the most common is HIV. However, the rest of them are equally contagious and deadly. If left untreated, these infections can be a reason for cervical cancer, stillbirth, infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease.
Chlamydia bacteria exist in the vaginal secretions. It can be transmitted orally, or through unprotected vaginal or anal sex. If found among the pregnant women it can be passed on to their infants during labour. However, the disease is treatable. Through antibiotics and regular treatment, it can be wiped off from the body.
Genital Warts
Genital Warts is the term used for a huge group of infections which can occur not only around the genital area but on hands and feet. It is infected through the skin to skin contact. Cannot be prevented or protected with the use of condoms as it has the tendencies to take over the skin of hands as well. Which is commonly termed as HPV (Human Papillomavirus) and can be prevented if treated at the early stage.
Gonorrhoea is often termed as “the clap”. This is a rare sexually transmitted infection which gets transmitted through vaginal semen. If a person gets involved in sexual intercourse or in oral sex without having latex protection or condom, he is more likely to get instantly affected. The disease has the capabilities to effect Anas as well. It can be treated with antibiotics and is more likely to be found among women.
Herpes is the viruses that live in the nerves. Two common types of herpes exist namely Herpes simplex type 1 that causes cold sores around the mouth whereas the second type is called Herpes simplex type 2 which are the sores around the genital area. Itchy and painful blisters are the common symptoms of this disease and are affected during oral or unprotected sexual intercourse. The unusual aspect of the disease is that it gives a sudden outbreak among the affected ones. It can also be found among pregnant women who transmit the disease to their infants.
Human immunodeficiency virus commonly known as HIV is a fatal disease that causes AIDS. Present in the blood, the disease can be transmitted easily during sexual intercourse or through bodily fluid. Many patients have experienced no symptoms at all yet they were the active transmitter of the disease. It’s important for every single person to get checked for STD infections especially for HIV as it is the most commonly found disease. According to the World Health Organization if you have experienced or been through the following listed scenarios you should get tested for the disease.
- Had vaginal, oral or anal sex without using a condom
- If you are pregnant
- You have hepatitis C
- Ever shared a needle or syringe with any other person
- Have multiple sexual partners
Syphilis, caused by bacterium has several phases. Those having early signs of Syphilis can have pain-free sores around the genital areas. These sores heal down within two to three weeks on their own. However, if the disease advances it can severely affect many organs including the heart and lungs. It can also lead to death and stillbirth among pregnant women.
Common Causes of STD Infections
Sexually transmitted diseases are commonly believed to be transmitted through unprotected sexual activities. However, there are many other causes as well. It is infused inside the blood so it can be transmitted via razors and sharp objects. If a single drop of blood comes in contact with your skin, you have the chances of getting affected. Moreover, bodily fluid can also be the reason for the quick transmission.
As per the statistic report submitted by the American Social Health Organization, every one out of four adults have reported to have a positive HIV test. The disease is rapidly spreading among teens and young adults. It’s a serious illness and measures are being taken to spread awareness to prevent its transmission. However, the common symptoms of the sexually transmitted disease are listed below:
- Painful sex
- painful urination
- skin rashes
- Bumps and sores around the mouth or vagina and near the genital areas
- Weight loss
- Loose stool
- Night sweats
- Aches, pains and chills
- Yellowing of the urination
- Vaginal and penis discharge
How To Protect Yourself And Those Around You
Even though some of the sexually transmitted infections are not curable but they can be controlled if treated at the right time. In case of STD Apart from the STD treatments and tests, there are certain steps that you should take to keep those around you and yourself protected and safe.
- Always indulge in protected sexual intercourse
- Take a bath or wash your body properly after getting involved in sexual activities
- Always use sanitized and sterilized razors, tweezers and nail clippers
- Use water-based lubricants with barriers
- Get proper counselling regarding the STD infections
- Birth controls pills do not protect you from getting STD infections
- Always ask your partner to first get tested before getting involved in physical activities
- Look for possible and common symptoms
- keep your genitals clean and use hygienic underpants
- Get a brief examination by your gynaecologist regularly
How Are STD Treated?
Just when you realize you are experiencing the common symptoms of the sexually transmitted disease you should seek the doctor’s opinion. Your specialist will carry out a physical examination. The doctors will ask random questions to diagnose the problem and to reach out for a conclusion. Once the situation gets clear he will recommend some test to carry out diagnoses. The patient will be asked to go for STD screening and to find out a proper result. Its best to seek help from professional specialised.
The Bottom Line
Sexually transmitted diseases are not rarely found. These infections are extremely dangerous for a human body. It can not only affect the genitals but can cause infertility among men and women. The advanced stages of STD can make a patient bed-ridden.
The infections can even get transmitted to kids and infants and may cause them a life threating effect. It’s important to stay conscious and updated about how to treat and what measures to take to protect yourself and others from the disease. Just like any other contagious virus, this needs proper examination and diagnoses as well. You have to get properly checked by the doctor and to run screening for proper results.
You need to make sure you are keeping your body clean and wash it often if you are an active sex partner. According to the researchers around 80% of sexually active people have the likelihood of getting affected. Therefore, try to limit your sexual partners and council them to take STD test for added safety.