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Post Laser Hair Care Removal & Instructions

Post Laser Hair Care Removal & Instructions

The Importance of After Care

Laser Hair Removal is a very common treatment at marina medical center. All patients consider it one of the most important treatments. In order to have a successful Laser Hair removal at Marina medical center, Our Certified Licensed Therapist recommends following the after care instructions. 

Aftercare Laser Hair removal constitutes a major part of successful treatment at Marina Medical Center. In most cases, patients who don’t follow the instructions regarding Laser hair removal Often have a failed treatment.  

Also Laser skin therapies become complete only when the patients take care of the following aftercare to improve skin look and texture.

Laser Hair Removal

No Exposition to UV Rays 

Laser hair removal treatment can make your skin more sensitive than before. Hence, it’s a must to take all precautions to stay out of the sun’s UV rays which can make the condition worse. Staying indoors is highly suggested rather than spending time outside if you are expecting good results. Frequent application of sunscreen can save you from the UV rays if it becomes necessary for you to go out.

Cold Compresses and Ice Packs After Laser Hair Removal

The patient must be aware that any laser treatment is followed by mild redness. This is not something to worry about. However, using cold compresses and ice packs on the affected areas is recommended.

Moisturizing After Laser Hair Removal

After laser therapy, it is likely suggested to use a particular moisturizer to keep the skin smooth. You must stick to the recommended  moisturizer by your health practitioner rather than going with a moisturizer of your own choice. Apply it at regular intervals as per the instructions.

Say No to Make Up After Laser Hair Removal

It is always advised to stay away for a particular period from using makeup after laser treatment. Because there might be some ingredients in makeup that can irritate your skin.

Wear Loose Clothes 

Rather than wearing tight jeans, it is suggested by the doctors and specialists to go for loose dress after laser skin therapy. This can help to avoid friction on the treatment area.

Stay Hydrated After Laser Hair Removal

Drinking plenty of water is also a part of the aftercare when it comes to laser treatment. Regular hydration will help the skin to heal quickly after the therapy.