How To Treat STD In Hottest Weather Of The UAE
UAE is one of the hottest regions all across the globe and treating infections becomes too complicated. With the blood-to-blood transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, the patients usually get severe skin rashes, bumps, sores around the sensitive areas of the body like the mouth of the vagina, penis or anus. Such regions when exposed to heat create sweating that triggers the pain and spreads the germs as well. The disease itself is too complicated and painful to treat gets doubled in discomfort taking more than the expected time to show healing.
Easy Ways To Prevent STD
Among the important groups of the society adolescents, young adults, gay, bisexual, ethnic minority and pregnancy women have the most likelihood of showing STD symptoms. STD is not only transmitted through an unprotected sexual intercourse; however, that’s one of the major causes of it too. But being a blood-to-blood transfusion infection, these viruses can get transmitted by coming into contact with the bodily fluid or blood of the affected one. Among the most common symptoms, some of the easily detectable ones are listed below:
- Aches, pain, fever and chills
- Discharge from penis and vagina
- Bleeding of vagina
- Painful intercourse
- Weight loss
- Yellowish skin tone
- Skin rashes, redness and extreme swelling of the genitals
You need to stay alert to observing such symptoms. What you should do is to consult the experts at the Marina Medical Center who would do some screening to diagnose the disease and run some test to get the accurate results before starting your STD treatment. Apart from this, keep your body clean, take regular showers especially after having sexual intercourse and indulge in protected sexual activities. Never share your shaver, nail clipper with others, and be very sure to use borrowed accessories.